viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

Online Storage

Online storage is the new technology of this century. It allows to save tons of data and documents, not physically in the individual devices. You can access this storage from any device and anywhere as long as you have an Internet connection.

Furthermore, which this allows is the easy and quick sharing of documents in an instant from anywhere, anytime. This revolutionizes communication of files as now huge files can be accessed from anywhere and you can give that access to anyone you wish.

Dropbox is one of the programs that allows to this and is a leader in the sector. It automatically syncronizes the files you choose and is free until a certain capacity which can be increased. You can share files or even create common files so multiple persons can work simultaneous.
Even Google Docs follows this system where you write online and the document is saved online to be open where you wished through your google account. This can also be worked by multiple people at the same and it can be shared with no problem, multiple projects. Everything is saved online, you don't even have to worry about forgetting to save as it is automatic.

Other Cloud Storage Products

viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013

My Choice for University

The operative system I would use for my PC or laptop is Mac. There are several reasons for that.

First is the pure aesthetic. Mac has the best looks in the market and looks very cool, sly and professional, something with which no other option can compete with. Everyone knows when he is seeing a Mac and everyone likes the feel it gives.

Secondly, and maybe most importantly, its power. Mac, or iOS, is a very powerful system capable of nearly anything in a very large range. It has tons of programs free of charge that allow you to do all kinds of creative projects and activites, like Garage Band or iMovie. You can also buy all kinds on apps and programs which Mac is fully capable of managing.

It is also very efficient and user friendly, with the lower bar and all its customization options, as well as the sly look and similarity to tablet and mobile settings. It is also a very attractive disposition and lay out.

Finally, Mac has no viruses! Which solves many of the risks of the operative system coming down before time. Mac is also very efficient and rarely fails in the same as Windows sometimes does, and it is more widely used than the Linux systems.

The disadvantages I'd point is sometimes the compatibility problems with some programs, which are not always available for Mac but it is not something comparable with all its advantages.

In the end Mac is a top quality product with a reputation worthy of the product it sells. And in for my university experiencie, I will use the iOS system.

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013

PC vs. Laptop vs. Tablet

At the start of the technology world PC was the only option for a computing device and thus was the leader in the media. They evolved rapidly and could do everything, slowly beginning to be more manageable and smaller. Tons of programs were developed and things that before could only be done with a huge room-size computer. But this same advancements are beginning to be the death of the PC. Because this increase in efficiency with less space led to the development of a PC but much more portable and which is slowly but steadily catching up with the PC's processing power, the laptop.

When laptops entered the computer market, everyone wanted one of these small devices for computing on the go. Laptops received a lot of hype because of their portability and their ease of use. This new technology took the computing world by storm and dominated the portable computer scene until a new device entered the market: the tablet. This device offers several of the same features as laptops but with added portability. Some individuals may feel this is the new way to compute and they can’t live without their tablet, whereas others say laptops can never be replaced.

Tablets have become quite popular thanks to their extreme portability, easy to use interfaces and the wide range of ways they can be used. In many ways, they can almost replace a laptop for someone on the go. But is a tablet really a better choice for someone over a more traditional laptop? After all, laptops can also be extremely portable and have a much wider range of tasks they can be used for.


The most obvious difference between a tablet and a laptop is the lack of a keyboard. Tablet's rely solely on a touch interface on the screen for all input. This is fine when it involves mainly pointing, dragging or tapping to navigate around a program. The problems come in when you have to input text into a program when such as an email or document. Since they have no keyboard, users are required to type on virtual keyboards that have varying layouts and designs. Most people cannot type type as quickly or as accurately on a virtual keyboard. Users do have the option of adding an external Bluetooth keyboard to most tablets to make this more like a laptop but it adds costs and peripherals that must be taken with the tablet.

 Result: Laptops for those that write a lot, tablets for those that do more point interaction.

In conclusion, I'd go for a desktop computer or a laptop with equal power. Because I need power, even when losing portability to do so to be able to deal with the video editing my projects require. But probably portability won't be a problem because now a days laptops are or have catched up with PC power and thus I'll be able to have the power I require and the portability for comfort.


viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

Term Audio Editing

Audio editing is the process where you get an audio file and you modify it, may that be by shortening editing, cutting parts, mixing it, changing its order or adding effects. Programs that can be used to do this include Audacity, Garage Band or even video editor like Adobe Premiere Pro or iMovie.
Advantages of digital audio versus analog is the facility of transporting around, as you can fit many cds in a single apparatus. It is also much easier to edit and share. Shooting it is also much simple and only requires a computer and a microphone, nothing more. Analog on the other hand has the advantage of having a single format and it causes no problems of compatibility.
Formats include mp3, which is the most popular and practically THE format for audio. Other formats are wav or wma. Players include iTunes, Windows Media Player or even online audio players, including playlists, like Spotify or Grooveshark.

Audio editing is used in multiple medias like radio, television, cinema, podcasts, interviews and even the most simple videos or audio files use some kind of audio edting.

I myself use audio editing a lot in the process of making my videos. Specially with those that have dialogues and such. Though the music videos don't require any 'pure' audio editing like cutting and moving the audio but I have to control audio levels, and most of the job is in coordinating audio with video. Digital audio editing has allowed many people to make the things they love without the need of expensive and unreachable equipment to make a simple thing like a podcast. And this added with the wave effect of the internet has allowed for a completely new level of interaction between people all over the world.

Some useful pages to look up more information on audio editing and everything to do with it include:

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

What is a 'Podcast'?

A podcast is a section of media which consists on periodic updates through audio files which can be downloaded or viewd directyl on the directory. The word is actually a neologism in between 'pod' and 'broadcast'. It serves as a very portable and 'on-the-move' type of media which allows for a very updated, easy to do and comfortable way to contact your audience, though podcasts can become very complex. It can also be viewed through live streaming instead of downloading. Though downloads, which are stored on the users computer or mobile device, can be automated to assure al new updates by downloading the podcast from the distributor's web feed.
These audio podcasts are now also being transformed into video podcasts which include a video. This change is being brought forward thanks to faster and more powerful overall internet connections. It is becoming very popular specially for news updates and some webs are using this new media exclusively though audio podcasts are still very extended and popular. I myself enjoy to listen to Empire Online Magazine's (a film magazine) podcasts.

A place where you can find podcasts is iTunes or the SoundCloud which uses RSS Feed and offers a nice alternative to having to open iTunes though when downloading I recommen iTunes more if you already use it for your day-to-day music management.

And here is my podcast and the last I listen to, which I enjoyed a lot. (Though if you have not yet watched the film "The Dark Knight Rises" don't listen to it because it is a spoiler podcast)

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

Technology Living in the XXIst Century

Technology is very central in our daily lives. With tablets, smartphones and all kinds of portable devices being developed, improved and released now technology is with us everywhere we go, and very close to us. Businesses and relationships both have come to the depend upon this new technologies that the human being has embraced so willingly.
The technology developer Apple is at the head of this vanguard bringing to the public the mos the efficient apparatus of their kind. The iPad, iPhone, iPod and the Macintosh have all raised the standard of what this products should be like and all have tried to equal them.

Now a days having a computer, or even now a tablet or smartphone can be a substitute, is essential and an internet conection is obligatory to be able to deal with the our modern society and be able to live with it.
So whether you use one system or another, prefer a tablet over a smartphone or just plainly, for now, prefer a PC, desktop or portable depending on your needs and possibilities, one cannot deny that these new and ever developing techonologies are a key part of our lives and current way of living. Because one, cannot survive in the XXIst century without internet and a device that connects us to it.

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012


Video conferencing can be used to give classes online, even overseas and this is already in use. It can also be used to talk with far away friends or family members, for business or even for other things. It can also be used for just talking without using the camera option.
As a student I can use to receive online classes from someone far away or talk with a far away fellow student, or even with one who is at home.

Skype allows you to start a video chat or only a written chat or even a mixture of both. You can also share documents through it, or only speak and not use video or viceversa.

The requirements are a good grafics card and a decent CPU to manage the video processing. Of course a good internet connection is also primordial to have fluent communication.