viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013

My Choice for University

The operative system I would use for my PC or laptop is Mac. There are several reasons for that.

First is the pure aesthetic. Mac has the best looks in the market and looks very cool, sly and professional, something with which no other option can compete with. Everyone knows when he is seeing a Mac and everyone likes the feel it gives.

Secondly, and maybe most importantly, its power. Mac, or iOS, is a very powerful system capable of nearly anything in a very large range. It has tons of programs free of charge that allow you to do all kinds of creative projects and activites, like Garage Band or iMovie. You can also buy all kinds on apps and programs which Mac is fully capable of managing.

It is also very efficient and user friendly, with the lower bar and all its customization options, as well as the sly look and similarity to tablet and mobile settings. It is also a very attractive disposition and lay out.

Finally, Mac has no viruses! Which solves many of the risks of the operative system coming down before time. Mac is also very efficient and rarely fails in the same as Windows sometimes does, and it is more widely used than the Linux systems.

The disadvantages I'd point is sometimes the compatibility problems with some programs, which are not always available for Mac but it is not something comparable with all its advantages.

In the end Mac is a top quality product with a reputation worthy of the product it sells. And in for my university experiencie, I will use the iOS system.

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