lunes, 11 de enero de 2010

Questions & Answers: Fonts

1- What is a font?
It is the design for a set of characters. It's the combination typeface and design characteristics of pitch, spacing and size.
2- What is a pitch? And fixed pitch?
It is the width of a character in a font, the number of characters that can fit in an inch. Common pitch values are from 10 to 12.
Fixed pitch (or monospace) is when all the characters of a same font have the same pitch.
3- What is a font family? Name some...
It is a group of fonts that are similar in the design. Memebers of this family can be bold or italic. Some are Times New Roman, Script, Comic Sans, Arial and Courier. And the diferent categories are... serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy and monospace.
4- What is the difference between font and typeface?
Times New Roman is a typeface, which defines the shape of the character. But it has many different fonts (sizes and styles).
5- What is the difference between vector and bitmap fonts?
Bit map is formed by an arranged number of dots, so you need a design for each kind of font in each kind of typeface. Instead vector is made geomatrically so it can be scaled to any size or style. So you only need one design per typeface.
6- What are the synonyms of vector and bitmap fonts?

7- Which of these two is scalable?
The Vector Graphics System.
8- What are the most widely used scalable font systems?
PostScript and TrueType.
9- What kind of printers use scalable fonts?
Laser printers.
10- What is tha main problem using fonts on the web?
They do not look very good when very samll like iin screen size.
11- How do you call the web-safe fonts?
Those that are not hard to read.
12- What are the safest fonts on the web?
Arial, Arial Black, Coriour New, Georgia, Times New Roman, Verdana and Trenbuchet MS.
13- Why should you choose "sans serif" fonts for the screen?
You shouldn't because experts say it is harder to read.
14- What is the simplest solution if you want to use a very specific font?

15- Choose your favorite font.
InkpenScript2 or Blackladder ITC or French Script

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